Use the list below to find a template for the next meeting.

For the chair:

  • Toastmasters Agenda Template
    The Terrace@12 meeting Agenda Template. Use this whenever you are chairing a meeting. It is designed to work in a 1h slot and can be adjusted for different speech lengths
  • Chairperson Checklist
    A check list based on the template provided by the Spinnaker Toastmasters club. Adjusted to suit a 1h weekly Wednesday meeting. Read this check list if you know that you will be chairing a meeting soon.

For the Sergeant at Arms:

  • New Member Welcome Flyer
    A double sided flyer to be handed out to guests at meetings. The SA and Chair of the meeting should have a few copies ready to hand to guests before they leave.
  • New Member Application Form
    A double sided application form for new members to fill in should they decide to join the club. Always handy to have a few spare copies kicking around.

For the General Evaluator:

For other roles:

  • Timekeeper Report
    Sample report template for more elaborate time keeping. In most cases we just scribble the time next to the agenda item and keep the timer’s report to a minimum. But feel free to go the full nine yards with the above template!
  • Personal Evaluation Checklist
    Good check list to pick out items you wish to commend or recommend. Very complete! best choose only the items which stand out during the speech to include in your verbal evaluation.
  • Educational Evaluation Form
    If a member of the club is giving an educational and you are asked to evaluate them, use this template.
  • Memory Master Report
    Memory Master is a fun way to practice listening skills in the meeting. Sometimes we have a spare slot and one member takes on the Memory Master role whose responsibility it is to fish out interesting facts from the different speeches and find out at the end who can remember them.
  • Grammarian Report Form
    Simple form which the Grammarian can use to record the word of the day, its definition, and track the use of the word and other linguistic feats during the meeting. The Ah-count section is rather holistic. Feel free to personalise with pointing out exactly who had the most ah-ahm-oh moments. And who had the least!
  • Table Topics Master Worksheet
    Basic sheet allowing the TT Master to record the Name of the speaker against a given topic. Inlcudes tips on coming up with good topics and how to conduct the Table Topics session
  • Table Topics Evaluation Form
    Sheet to keep track of Table Topics Speakers. Includes tips at the bottom for things to look out for when evaluating TT speakers. Remember, each speech is on average just over one minute in length. Focus on a few criteria and nail them instead of trying to cover all aspects.


This list and more can also be found on the Members Resources page: