Table top drum roles built up the excitement for the announcements of the winners of Fearbusters 2020 Evaluation Contest.

The three competitors had concentrated and made notes on the guest speakers 7 minute speech; a speech that took us on a journey to the  far off land of Zimbabwe. That took us to a time past when it was know as Rhodesia. Our speaker was young then and boyishly sneaking with friends back to his home during a school break, they finding the parents gone but a big temptation was left. Who could resists a quick test drive of a brand new brightly painted tractor. Needless to say there was a lesson to be learned from that miss-adventure. The competitors had a journey too, to a not so far off room where 5 minutes past for them to dream of words of encouragement and recommendations to give when it was there 2-3 minute chance to speak.

Old Photos cars in Rhodesia

All three did speak, starting with Mareen with her enthusiasm for the story, then Stephen with his make huge open arm gestures, then David with his use the stage walk. The judges did the hard job of scoring each competitors, the tallies where counted, the certificates written.

Then to the drawn out anticipation that Christina the chair did so well at, the announcement in reverse order: 3rd place Mareen , 2nd place David, and the 1st place Stephen who will go on to represent Fearbusters at area level.

And the lessons learned: Contest bring out the best in members and from the story, you can’t bump start a diesel tractor down a hill!