“Congratulations Grace our Toastmaster of the day. Grace’s speech walked us through NZs current housing shortage and the issues faced by the old, young and vulnerable in this market.
Grace used a simple whiteboard diagram of a continuum and stickers representing the various housing types available, Government provided, local body, owned and private investment. She was able to talk moving along the line but still allowing us to see the whole picture.
Grace has educated us today with her careful researched talk and enabled the audience to understand what is currently available.
This is a big topic for 5 – 7 minutes of speaking time and Graces summary suggests there is no easy solution.
What I liked about this talk though is that it tells what’s currently available why we have a problem and clearly stated who should be looking at solutions.
If you have a message and want to learn to state it clearly come along to Toastmasters and see how people like Grace do it.
Well done Grace” — John General Evaulator