Terrace@12 Toastmasters

Meeting Agenda


St Andrews conference Centre on The Terrace – access north side of Church


Wednesday 6 August 2014


Chair: Peter Scholtens
Timekeeper: Evans Chogumaira
Speakers: Anna McKinlay and Bharath Donepudi
Apologies: Amjid, Andrew, Stephen, Anil, Hugh, Jane, Marion,
Potential guests: George, Elaine and Gretchen



Time Activity G Y R Speaker
12:01 ChairOpening and welcome 1 2 Barret
12:02 Grammarian 1 2 Chris
12:05 Introduction of Speaker #1 1 2 Peter
12:07 Speaker #1 – Ice Breaker speech

“Introduce yourself to the Club”

4 5 6 Anna
12:14 Introduction of Speaker #2 1 2 Andre
12:16 Speaker #2 – Assignment Three

“Get to the Point”

5 6 7 Bharath
12:23 Table Topics Master (up to 4 speakers – timing per speech) 1  
12:37 Evaluation of Speaker #1 2 3 Peter
12:40 Evaluation of Speaker #2 2 3 Andre
12:44 Evaluation – Table Topics 2 3 4 Simon
12:48 Grammarian report 2 3 Chris
12:51 General Business 2 3 Evans
12:54 Timer – Report   1 2 Evans
12.56 General Evaluation 1 2 Pauline
12:58 Meeting close 1 2 Barret